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Live Class - Understanding the ICD Clutter - Hoarding Scale®
Tuesday, June 04, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Class - live

Understanding the ICD Clutter - Hoarding Scale®

With Hilde Verdijk, CPO-CD®, Master Trainer, MRPO, CVOP
  • The ICD Clutter to Hoarding Scale is a valuable tool for evaluating a situation in a client's home.  It provides information about the actual situation and offers non-judgmental language for professionals.
  • Interpreting the information in a house can be challenging, as levels of disorganization may vary from room to room or floor to floor.
  • The Clutter to Hoarding Scale is based on collaborating with related professionals or services to help reduce the risks of extreme clutter or hoarding in a neighbourhood.
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