Level II Specialist Certificate Exams
Now Available on-demand

The ICD® offers the CD, ADHD, Hoarding, Aging and Time Management and Productivity Specialist exams online. Before taking the exam you must have received the corresponding  Level I Certificate of Study and then you may take the Level II exam for that area. There is a fee for each exam. See pricing here.

ICD® Online Exams (CD, ADHD, Hoarding, Aging, Time Management and Productivity)

  • Each exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions.
  • Questions are based on the recommended readings, rather than the class content.
  • Each exam is allotted 60 minutes - most people finish in considerably less time. (No one has ever gone over 60 minutes!)
  • There is no fee to retake the exam.

To gain access to our LMS exams, fill out the exam registration and payment form, also available on each Level II Specialist page.

 If you have any questions, please contact Certification and Services Director, Laurene Livesey Park at [email protected]

 Testing Accommodations

ICD® will make reasonable and appropriate testing accommodations to subscribers when required.  It is the student’s responsibility to make a request for accommodations in writing to the Certification and Services Director at least four weeks before the date the exam is scheduled to be administered.  The request needs to include the following:
  • State the accommodation being requested
  • Identify the reasons for the accommodation and include supporting documentation
  • Provide suggestions as to how the accommodation can be achieved