Contact ICD

General Inquiries

Certification and Services Director Laurene Livesey Park, CPO-CD®
[email protected]

Question about your subscribership?

Director of Subscriber Relations Sara Skillen, PCC, COLC, CPO®
[email protected]


Need a speaker for an event?

       Certification and Services Director Laurene Livesey Park, CPO-CD®

        [email protected]

 Want to submit a request for a research grant?

Director of Research Phyllis Flood Knerr, CPO-CD®
[email protected]

Would you like to talk to the President of ICD?

President Kim Cox
[email protected]

Need to talk to someone live?

(please leave a message and your call will be returned within 1 business day, usually sooner, or email, and set up a time for a call)

Certification and Services Director, Laurene Livesey Park, CPO-CD®
[email protected]



Want to be an ICD volunteer?

        Certification and Services Director Laurene Livesey Park, CPO-CD®
        [email protected]

Want to start a ConnectUp group?

      Director of Subscriber Relations Sara Skillen, PCC, COLC, CPO®
      [email protected]

Have questions about your educational path?

[email protected]