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Our mission is to provide education, research and strategies
to benefit people affected by chronic disorganization,
and the professionals who work with them.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
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What defines chronic disorganization?

 Chronic Disorganization:

 - persists over a long period of time
 - frequently undermines quality of life, and

 - recurs despite repeated self-help attempts


Chronic disorganization may be present with brain-based challenges such as
ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Hoarding Disorder, PTSD, TBI, and more

Watch our 5-minute video 
Introduction to Chronic Disorganization.

ICD Subscriber Benefits

  • A community of like-minded professionals.
  • Confidence-building, professional education. Curated for you from a multi-disciplinary, holistic perspective. 
  • Professional standards: Stand out as a professional with unique expertise.
  • Education and credentials are available at multiple levels from beginning to advanced courses.
  • Up to 40 live classes annually - listen on demand or live.
  • Cutting edge: Keep up with education and research about factors resulting in chronic disorganization. Give hope to clients by sharing these updates.
  • Professional development: Volunteer! Lead! Become a Board member! 
  • The ICD® Pulse newsletter: a quick way to see all that's happening.
  • Social media exposure and education. 
  • Listing on ICD's Find an Organizer search (for subscribers who have earned the Level I Foundation Certificate in Chronic Disorganization.) 

ICD Resources

ICD has developed two assessment scales:
ICD offers fact sheets, publications and has authored two textbooks for organizers and related professionals.

(Please note:
All organizers listed in the directory have earned the Level I Foundation Certificate in Chronic Disorganization.)